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02APR 2012

Changing the Face –Pushkinsky Cinema Hall / Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michiko

Posted in Architecture - Cultural by * FORMAKERS | Tags: Russia, Parametric, Liu Chien Sheng
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      Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michik
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      Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michik
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      Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michik
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      Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michik
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      Liu Chien Sheng + Kitamura Michik

The Pushkinsky Cinema Hall is located next to the Pushkin Square on the unban green line, and the statue of Александр Сергеевич Пушкин stands in front of the cinema hall. The concept of this design is to write a poem as a trib... read more >>
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