Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca

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30JAN 2012

Renewal and Extension of the German School / Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca

Posted in Architecture - Educational by Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca | Tags: Portugal
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two new bodies - the primary school and the gymnasium - discretely complete the existing set. on the southern side, the volume of the primary school, over two levels and partially buried, defines the limit of the school and operates as an acoustic ba... read more >>
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30JAN 2012

School of Music - Lisbon Polytechnic Institute / joao luis carrilho da graca

Posted in Architecture - Educational by Joao Luis Carrilho da Graca | Tags: Portugal
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the building is organised around a large cloister plateau located in the university campus, providing an outdoor area where small concerts are improvised. to deal with the aggression of the acoustic environment, the building was studied to protect th... read more >>
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