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FORMAKERS will take advantage of the "digital fabrication REvolution". We publish projects of urban design/ architectural research/ fashion design/ 3d print/ parametric design / architecture model /photography and much more.FORMAKERS invites architects, designers, artists, students, scientists and individuals of all backgrounds to explore, research and investigate new design paradigms and urban visions.

20FEB 2015

3D-printed structure- Biomimicry chair / Lilian Vandaal

Posted in Design - Furniture by * FORMAKERS

BIOMIMICRY: 3D PRINTED SOFT SEAT (2014) is the graduation project of designer Lilian van Daal.

© Lilian Vandaal
The production and assembly process of soft seating (couches) is normally far from sustainable: it is made from various materials prepared for assembly in different factories. It is also difficult to recycle the various parts.

© Lilian Vandaal
With BIOMIMICRY: 3D PRINTED SOFT SEAT Lilian van Daal thought of a new concept to make the production of soft seating more sustainable through 3D printing. In nature many structures are to be found that man is not able to produce.

© Lilian Vandaal
3D printing however does make it possible to reproduce these complex structures.

© Lilian Vandaal
In this way a product can be created from one material in one factory, although it has the properties of various materials. Pollution caused by transport can be minimized and the product is completely recyclable.

© Lilian Vandaal
The first working prototype has been made possible by 3D Systems Benelux..




Website (references):

© Lilian Vandaal © Lilian Vandaal © Lilian Vandaal © Lilian Vandaal © Lilian Vandaal ©


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