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01SEP 2014

Brussels Cityparliament / SKOPE

Posted in Architecture - Institutional by * FORMAKERS

The new program includes: the seat of Brussels Parliament (PFB : French speaking part) and the restoration of the former Postal Relay (Renaissance 1694) as a polyvalent space. It would have been risky to chose the easy way by the creation of a mimetic building right wing of The Parliament or propose a dissonant solution with a draft bill only contemporary.

© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE
Skope’s approach was different; inspired by the history of the place while assuming contemporary issues.The building is not a simple drawing of facades but a concept overall.

© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE
The architect Georges Hano, author of the facades and redevelopment inside the Provincial Palace in 1908 (the building next door), was descended from the “Fine arts” architectural current. Architects of SKOPE highlighted this architecture and have been inspired for the design of the extension: Floor Plan • on the one hand, maintaining the volume of the new template in the extension originally designed by the architect Hano, who thought from the beginning to the creation a Provincial Palace with two wings.

© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE
• secondly, they shelled the design intent of the architect Hano reinterpreted and by calculating the proportion of the facades.Ensued creating a simple volume where is applied a facade whose expression is materialized by “voronoïdes” pattern, a mathematical formula close to the fractal distribution and which, on the basis of 5 distinct elements combine infinite variations.That’s how history and modernity are synthesized on a site included in the classification site of UNESCO.

© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE
Beyond the architectural concept, it was important for the project to be sober, functional and of course energy efficient. The Brussels Parliament had to be a model of an ambitious public building being an architectural showcase but also an eco-friendly building attending the passive standard.

© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE

Design team:
Architects: SKOPE
Location: Rue du Lombard 77, Brussels, Belgium
Year: 2013
Photographs: Georges De Kinder
Collaborators: COOPARCH-R.U.
Interior: Bham Studio
Voronoïds: Paradise Architecture
Structure: PIRNAY
Construction: Entreprise Jacques Delens
Etude Energetique: 3E
Techniques Speciales: GRONTMIJ



© Georges De Kinder © SKOPE © Georges De Kinder © SKOPE © Georges De Kinder © SKOPE © Georges De Kinder © SKOPE © Georges De Kinder © SKOPE


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