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22APR 2012

MLT:B / A-ngine

Posted in Architecture - Mixed use by A-ngine

The starting point of this project evolved during researching the ongoing conflict between differing social groups regarding their interests in the one of the most attractive pieces of fallow land in the heart of Berlin: the Spree riversides located between Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg.

© A-ngine
Through iteratively distributing programmatic layers resulting from the surrounding city fabric onto the site and systematically mixing volumes of different social characteristics the motive of a foam structure appears. The quality of formal variety as a consequence within the heterogeneity of the overall system is implied into the arbitrative design methodology called function aesthetics.

© A-ngine
Focusing onto the space partitioning strategy of Voronoi regions features gradient-driven diversity in creating highly functional orthogonal structures as well as distorted and geometrically complex volumes. Pointclouds generated from early studies of programmatic foam structures are therefore manipulated locally depending on functional-programmatic attributes.

© A-ngine
Consequently, the result articulates the geometric variety as a foundation for partitioning into Voronoi cells. The emerging spatial strategy offers interesting interactions within social-territorial typologies which are scenically described and particularly illustrated around the area of the created hybrid-cluster intersecting the existing "Viktoria" storehouse building.

© A-ngine
Moreover, possibly scenarios regarding the social-territorial distribution are demonstrated within milieu maps carrying information about physically and theoretically adoption of space units. Additionally, different concepts are defined for regulating and ensuring social-characteristic diversity within the subsystem of the study area.

© A-ngine


Design team:



© A-ngine © A-ngine © A-ngine © A-ngine © A-ngine


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